January 28, 2008

In conjunction with Rocks in My Dryer and Bloggy Giveaways, It's Whimsy is proud to offer it's own giveaway:

Handmade Designer Burp Cloths

Our charming burp cloths are lovingly crafted for your little one using only the highest quality materials. They make a handy and chic addition to your collection of baby musts and one of you lucky readers will get to choose a set as a gift from us.

To register to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me which set is your favorite. Be sure to leave a way for us to contact you if you are drawn as the lucky winner on February 1st.

Good Luck!

(Sorry, contest open to U.S. customers only.)


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Christina said...

I'll be a first time grandma in Sept so these would come in VERY handy.

Please count me in and be sure to come check out my giveaway.

Brit said...

I just have to say that your burp cloths are so wonderful! I love the prints and color choices! Wow! I'm impressed!

Tammy said...

These are just delicious!

nausikaa said...

Sweet! My baby needs something cute to spit up on!

Jenn said...

Love them! And would love to win them! Count me in.

Mommy Bee said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to win these!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Tuesday Girl said...

These would come in VERY handY!

Jes@beautyfromchaos said...

oh, they are so cute! please enter me! My email address is in my profile if I win! :)

Aura said...

With twins due next month- these would be great!

Searching For Simplicity said...

I love the Earth and Sky ones!! These would be terrific for number 4 on the way!!

Brea said...

The sock monkey set is TOO adorable for a little boy!! You are so talented!

ali said...

i like the sunburst sparrow. thanks!

Someone Being Me said...

Those are adorable. I would love to win some. Please sign me up.

Anonymous said...

Ohh so cute!

Stacey said...

Blue Icing is my fav!

suzzcq70 said...

Deep Water is my fav!

Lettie said...

I love the sock monkey ones.

Jessica said...

I love these! The sock monkeys are super cute!

I would want the orange ones though!I adore those orange ones.

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

I love the Purple Menagerie cloths!

Sky said...

I'm diggin' the Purple Menagerie set. Sooo cute!

seeryusfam @ msn dot com

Rachie S. said...

Earth and sky are my favorite!

Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

I love the blue sky ones...great patterns! Thanks!!

michelle said...

These are darling! I really like the sock monkey ones. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Rhonda said...

These are so cute! My favorite is Earth and Sky.

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Hard choice they are all so nice - but I think I like the sock monkey!

Sarah said...

I love them all! My sister is having a boy in April. I'd love to give her the sock monkey set.

Amanda Jayne said...

I love the Deep Water set! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I like Earth & sky.

Anonymous said...

sock monkey

Casey said...

Purple Menagerie what a beautiful set!

Becca said...

I love the chocolate or orange damask! Beautiful!

Jessica said...

Deep Water... so cute! Count me in!

windycindy said...

You make lovely burp cloths! I really like the "Sunburst Sparrow" set. Thanks for a wonderful contest.Cindi

Pickel said...

Those are fantastic!

zeitersouth said...

Blue Icing is my fav!

Allison said...

They are all so pretty! I love the blue icing the best though!

SimplyBillie said...

I love the Chocolate Damask! I'm sure I'll need a ton of burp cloths come May!!

Awesome Mom said...

I heart the sock monkey set! It is too cute.

Christy Lee said...

Oh my gosh, the sock monkey! I'm attempting to make a sock monkey for first baby...so those would go perfect!!!!

Mommy said...

Sock Monkey all the way! They are all beautiful though. Thank you for giving some away. :)

Heather said...

Purple Menagerie is so cute!

Laurel said...

if i won these, they would be for my niece-to-be-born and i think her mom would choose deep water, although i totally love the sock monkeys!

Miscellany Mom said...

earth and sky!

Zuda Gay Pease said...

Adorable burp cloths!!! I have a new born granddaughter and a 5 month old grandson...burp cloths are very important!! I love them all, but purple menagerie will be great for either child. Please enter me...thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful burp cloths! Please count me in.

zuples1 at hotmail dot com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

tie between sock monkeys and earth and sky... gorgeous!

Julie said...

The deep water ones are so cute.

Scarlett said...

I love the Sock Monkey set!

heidi @ ggip said...

The sock monkey one with the banana one is so awesome! Really great product.

I hope you have a lot of fun with the contest!

Anonymous said...

I love the sock monkey one...the monkeys and bananas are so cute! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Love the deep water set!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Andrea said...

My niece, Story Maria, is set to arrive in June. The Chocolate Damask set is beautiful!

Bree said...

Love the blue icing!

snaphappy said...

These are really nice! I know exactly who I'd give them to! I love "Deep Water."

Anonymous said...

Blue Icing is my favorite! Sock Money is a close second... but they are all beautiful!

Stacey said...

yummm, chocolate damask!

Milk in the Closet said...

So cute! I like the Blue Icing set. Great giveaway!

peg42 said...

These are so adorable and useful. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

Doodle Bugs said...

Yum!! How can you pick a favorite set.. maybe Forest Petal?? I love them ALL!!!!!!

Genevieve P said...

I think Sunburst Sparrow is gorgeous! I love all your colors.

lace said...

Orange Damask is wonderful. I love all of the burp clothes.

Owner said...

i can't decide if i like earth and sky or the sock monkey sets better! beautiful work.

The Chatty Housewife said...

What a cool giveaway! My favorite set is called "deep water" but in all truth, I like each and every one of the sets. They are beautiful!


Shannon said...

My newest addition coming in August...would love to spit up on any one of your burp clothes! I'm sure he/she would take joy in it!

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Blue Icing is my fave :o) I am due in April and these would come in handy. My youngest is 11 so I am starting all over :o)

Email is on my blog under profile

Michelle said...

I like the purple menagerie set ... such pretty burp cloth sets!

Katie said...

Who could resist the Sock Monkey set? Too cute!

Sarah said...

I love the Earth and Sky Set. Beautiful.

Thank you for entering me.

Gingham Skies said...

I love the sock monkey cloths! Super cute. :)

Alana said...

They are all gorgeous, but earth and sky is my favorite!

Katie said...

Sock Monkey or Deep Water. My whimsical side is warring with my somber side, and I just can't decide. Can I have some time? :) Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Earth and Sky... and sock monkeys!

Susan said...

the pink/brown... love it! Thanks.

Qtpies7 said...

Sock Monkey all the way! LOL It would match my new cloth diaper set. But we are out of that phase, so I would have to choose something girly for my friend's baby due this summer.

Bebemiqui said...

I like the Blue Icing.
Great giveaway! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I love the Sock Monkey set!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pink/brown combo. They're my favorite colors.

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

Re said...

Sunburst Sparrow is my favorite.

Thanks for a great giveaway! Keep up the great work on your blog :)

krista said...

forest petal. for sure. they are too cute!

Rebecca said...

I like the sock monkey set! please enter me
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

ooooh, i like sock monkey! this is a great giveaway! thank you.

Anonymous said...

Earth and Sky ! monk5@charter.net

Tallie Elizabeth said...

They are lovely. Green Damask would have to be at the top of my favorites list.

Name: Jenni said...

I have lots of babies to buy for in the next few months. A set of twins and my FIRST niece or nephew in Sept!

I would choose the deep blue or chocolate damask. These are great!

budandjenni @ yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Terrific! Blue Icing...is for me!

Carissa said...

Blue Icing is my favorite.

Carissa said...

Blue Icing is my favorite.

Natalie said...

Good to see a fellow Etsy-er on here!! I LOVE the orange damask print!

I'm hosting a giveaway, too... come by and say hi :)

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

I would have to say one of the blue ones.
Count me in! I would LOVE that!!!
Thanks so much!!!


Kristy said...

Please count me in - I love the Earth and Sky set!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

My two favorites are sock monkey and deep waters! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful designs - impossible to pick just one!! I LOVE sunburst sparrow, orange damask, and blue icing!


TX Mom said...

I love the sock monkey ones! So cute! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Blue Icing is my favorite.

rookiem at live dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the sunburst sparrow set, so beautiful!


Anonymous said...

They are all too pretty for spit up! I really like the sock monkey ones.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Laura Hennessee said...

I love them all! So beautiful. I think the "blue icing" collection is my favorite.

Angela said...

What a great give away! My fav: Sunburst Sparrow!!

Anonymous said...

sock monkey....so cute!
Thanks for the contest!

Heather said...

Purple Menagarie -- I am due with #3 in Aug!

Erin said...

So hard to choose---I really like Green Damask, but I guess Earth and Sky is even prettier! Thanks for the drawing!

emhagedon at gmail

Anonymous said...

Love the chocolate damask.

Jenny said...

I love the sock monkey ones! They are perfect for my little 3 month old monkey!

Anonymous said...

So cute. I love the Sunburst Sparrow! Thanks for giving these away!!!


Amanda said...

The chocolate damask are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

great idea!email in profile!thanks!

Jodie said...

Love them all! Especially Deep Water. Thanks!!

Peggie said...

Hard to chose, but I think the deep water. Great giveaway!

melissa said...

I love the neutral colors of Chocolate Damask!

Hélène said...

I like Earth and Sky.

Kacy said...

I'd love to win!

Lindsey said...

I'm not sure if I want DS spitting up on something so pretty!

I can't decide which are my favorite. I love the orange and white ones, but I also love the chocolate damask...but then I look further and see that Earth and Sky are simply beautiful!

Ginny said...

Oh wow, that was tough ~ Blue Icing is my favorite. I really liked that purple set which is odd to me because I don't care much for purple, lol. Blue icing would go the best with what we have though :)

Lisa Kay said...

Hard to decide, but I think Blue Icing is my favorite!

Jennwith4 said...

Oh My! How could I decide those are all so lovely! But I'd have to settle on Blue Icing and Earth and Sky for a tie.

Chastity said...

Wow! They are all so beautiful!!

Erin said...

Beautiful! I especially love earth & sky!

Jennifer said...

I like the Sunburts Sparrow!

heather h said...

I love Chocolate Damask and Earth & Sky. Your fabric choices are lovely, and I think they're adorable!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is either the Purple Menagerie or the Blue Icing! Cute!


Emily said...

The green Damask are my favorite.


Amanda said...

So cute! Who can choose their fave?!? Count me in...askinner1601@gmail.com

Lucy said...

I can't decide! I love the sock monkeys and earth and sky.

lucycontest at gmail.com

tasha said...

You do such grear job with those! I like the deep water colors.

Ames said...

A favorite?! Impossible!! They're all super :) Anything with brown right now is a super plus for me :) Thanks!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Love the chocolate damask set!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the deep water.
katie_mmartin [at]yahoo(dot)com

Angela S said...

I really love the orange set!

Janelle said...

I love Earth and Sky. Beautiful!

Julie said...

I like earth and sky.

Melissa said...

I like the deep water blues -for a friend's little boy!

Jenn said...

Super Cute!

Keryn said...

Earth and Sky--beautiful! I hope I win...Thanks for the giveaway. My email addy is in my blogger profile, just in case I win!

Kristine said...

I like the blue icing set! Almost to pretty to use!

Brittany said...

I love the Earth & Sky and Blue Icing sets. These are gorgeous! Thanks. prettybritty425@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love Blue Icing. We have a 3 mo old so always need more burp cloths!

Anonymous said...

Is it ridiculous to say that I love Earth & Sky because it matches my diaper bag? Because I do! :-)

Your work is beautiful & this is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

fizzledink (at) gmail (dot) com

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

These are gorgeous! My favorites are the sock monkey and the orange damask. I love them!

Anonymous said...

I love the sock monkey set! enter me please. ernestsgirl82@aol.com

Teri said...

The chocolate damask set is beautiful! Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Orange Damask
they are all awesome but this woudl have to be my fave.

Anonymous said...

Forest Petal is beautiful! Too bad babies spit up on them!

Thank you for a great giftie!

art and nature [at] juno *dot* com

Tracy DeLuca said...

I love the chocolate damask cloths... so pretty!

Danielle said...

I ADORE the Sock Monkey set!
So cute!
dansan826 at yahoo.com

Valerie said...

Orange Damask is so pretty, love them all!

Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful! Blue Icing is my favorite.

Allison said...

My favorite is the deep water set!

Christine said...

My goodness, this was hard. I like both sock monkey and blue icing. I can't decide. If I win - surprise me. :) Thanks

joy said...

Love the orange damask!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Count me in for Orange Damask!

Jamie said...

They are darling! I love earth and sky.

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

These are gorgeous. I love the chocolate damask and the monkeys. I hope I win; I'm hosting a baby shower at the end of Feb. I'd love to give these!

Sarah Rose said...

My favorite is the green damask! Beautiful!

Becca Mae said...

These afre beautiful

mommyofmany said...

Lots of nice patterns... I THINK I like Sunburst Sparrow the best.

T'aowyn said...

I love these.
Blue Icing and deep water are my faves.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

megret7 said...

The sock monkey set is ultra-cute! ( meg.wilson@gmail.com )

Anonymous said...

I love the sock monkeys!!


Anonymous said...

The Orange Damask burp cloths are perfect! Yum!


mybuttercup "at" cavtel "." net

Anonymous said...

My eye was drawn right to the Deep Water set. So pretty and would work for my little boy on the way. Thanks!

seahagstudio said...

orange damask is my favorite!!! love your etsy shop!!great giveaway prize!! please sign me up!! thanks,tracy

Elizabeth said...

When a baby has to spit, it might as well be on something as beautiful as your Blue Sky cloths!
Please count me in.

Krista said...

My friend's having a baby in March and the Blue Icing set has her name written all over it!

Trina and Jophie said...

Sock Monkey and Deep Water!

Count me in!


noreen said...

I just love the colors of forest petal

The Mom of 'em said...

The Deep Water is great!

Taryn said...

I love earth and sky

Jen said...

I absolutely love the orange damask....great colors and just very bright. Count me in please.

Anonymous said...

Purple please! =)

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

It's not my usual palate of colors, so I was surprised by my own choice! I'm really drawn to the Forest Petal set - so beautiful. Thanks for the contest!

Kira said...

I love the Sock Monkey set!

JavaMama said...

Oh that was really hard! But I found my attraction towards the Blue Icing burp cloths!! Absolutely beautiful, thanks.

JOYfully in Him,

Anonymous said...

My favorites are the Orange Damask, Earth and Sky, and Blue Icing...I hope I win!

Rebecca said...

I love the blue icing set! My sister is expecting her first baby in May - a little girl and these would be SO cute to give her! Thanks for the chance!

Frances said...

the deep water set is pretty - and you can make them from organic cotton? way cool!

Anonymous said...

I love Green Damask!!!!

Meagan said...

I love them all! I can't decide between the sock monkey and blue icing. If I win, surprise me!

Memarie Lane said...

I like the sock monkey set for my #3, due in September. Thanks for stopping by my blog, hope to see you back!

Sarah said...

Pretty! I like the earth/sky set.

Laura Marchant said...

I am liking the deep water.


Sahm Lee said...

Set of 3 Burp Cloths – Blue Icing. These are my favorites!

M the Mommy said...

I love them all, but if I had to choose I would go with sock monkey. I have boy/girl twins and they would think the monkey's were funny! Thanks for the great giveaway.

My name is Michelle. said...

The blue icing are fabulous and a *very* close second, but I think I'd have to pick the green damask. Those just melt my heart.

missreneer said...

Thank you for the great contest. I love the Chocolate Damask pattern.

Thanks again for the great contest and for sharing your talent. Good Luck Everyone :)


Anonymous said...

i love orange damask the best!

Anonymous said...

Burp Cloth Set - Chocolate Damask

mtmommy said...

So great! Please count me in! I love the sock monkey set!

Eden said...

Oh, do enter me! I'd totally love to win The Organic Burp Cloth Upgrade in orange! Generous giveaway!

ktrae said...

I like the Deep Water set the bestest although the Sock Monkey is a close second.

Meredith A. said...

I love the earth and sky! This is one of those times I am thinking "I hope I win, I hope I win!!"

Rach said...

Earth and Sky!
Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I love several sets, but I'd have to choose Deep Water. Gorgeous!

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

adashofsassitude (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I like the Forest Petal pattern. No blog, but my e-mail is onehoppinmom at yahoo dot com Thanks! Beth

Melissa said...

These are so adorable! I can't choose just one set! If I win, then I'll be FORCED to choose a set LOL
Please enter me! Thanks!

Marci said...

They are so adorable I would love to get them for my sister-in-law.


Anonymous said...

The purple menagerie is my favorite. I love them all - they are very creative!

Liz H. said...

Chocolate Damask is my favorite.

Jessie said...

I have a thing for those doves so I will pick Purple Menagerie - great contest and beautiful work!

Uniquely Yours said...

Love the colors in Earth and Sky.

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